Wednesday 7 March 2007

Starting To Get Tired Of Speeddater

I received an email this morning - that's right, the usual blackmail fodder from the aforementioned dating site. It read:-

"You’re profile is proving popular! So we thought we’d send you a list of the people who’ve checked out your profile in the last 7 days. Why don’t you send them a message or add them to your favourites?"

How convenient! Why not give us some more money so you can write to these women? Sounds like fun... fun to rhyme with rip-off! One of the women claimed to be on an 8 figure salary. 8 figures? That's £10 million! No one earns that sort of money! It's crazy!!

1 comment:

Ed's Book & Movie Review said...

Hey, I only got 4 recent looks if you don't count speed dating people